Monday, April 22, 2013

I believe Indie Arie said it best when she said "I am not my hair; I am not this skin, but the soul that lives within." Wheew! I wish I had coined that!! That statement is so true to what I have come to believe!  It truly speaks volumes!! In whatever state I'm in I've learned to be content! Whether I have no hair or hair down my back, God made me beautiful! 
I have not always thought this way.. It has been a process!
 But, once you know who you are,there is no turning back to your old mentality, and no one can tell you otherwise!

Early in my life I often felt like I wasn't good enough. I felt as though I was ugly and everything about me just seemed to be all wrong. I would literally walk pass the every mirror I came in contact with because I just knew that what looked back at me was not beautiful in my eyes! Others would tell me I looked nice or that I was pretty (usually older people) and I just did not believe them. In my mind I felt they just felt they had to say that.. When I looked at myself I saw someone that was dark-skinned, thick, and imperfect in every way! But, as I grew older I began to see myself as God sees me; Fearfully and Wonderfully made!
God completely changed my whole perspective on how I view myself and others! No longer do I view beauty as something that is one-sided, but that has layers! Everyone, in some shape or form, is beautiful in their own way because God created them to be. After God created everything that was made he said it was good, so who am I to think or say otherwise. So to you out there who may feel like you are too dark.. If you were any lighter you would not have been God's special creation. To you who may feel like you are too short, God didn't want you to be as tall as others.. He likes when you have to look up! To those who may feel like you are not smart enough, God loves that you need his wisdom! And lastly for those who feel that you are nothing, understand that that is only possible without him! So Love the skin your'e in! Your imperfcetions are Perfect because God did them on Purpose!!
P.S. Look out for the next Post!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I really believe in what you say. Me too I'm a Christian but sometimes it just isn't easy to love what we see when we see others. I know what i mean. I am 17 now and have been feeling like this since i'm 10 years old. It's been 7 years. I have acknowledged that it really ISN'T HEALTHY for me to do such a thing but how do I stop ? How do i stop viewing myself as a WEIRD or QUEER CREATURE ? How do i stop coveting the curves my female friends have and that i don't and crave to have ? How do i stop coveting other peoples lives ? My real problem actually is about my physical appearance. Everything just revolves around it. Words people say and the looks they give to you just don't arrange anything. But how do you do to get over everything ? I'm sick and tired of feeling UGLY and USELESS almost each day which goes by. I have tried so many times to stop. But i just can't. Somehow, all of it still finds a way to creep back into my mind like a really bad herb slowly invading a garden. I would be most grateful, if you could just tell me what to do. Since around me, i just can't fine people who are actually WILLING to talk to me about that or who even NOTICE what i'm living through in my mind. It is hell. I tell you it is......
